The York City and County Banking Company Limited claimed from Francis Prince, miller, a person of unsound mind and from May Prince,his wife, the sum of £583 2s 5d (for the purpose of this action reduced to under £500)being the amount due from the defendant on the balance of an account current with the plaintiffs and interest thereon until the time of payment, and to enforce an equitable mortgage by memorandum and depositing the deeds refering to certain freehold property of the defendant, Francis, situate at West Ayton in the parish of Hutton Bushel, made by him for the purpose of securing the amount so due by foreclosure or sale.
Messrs. Turnbull, Graham and Moody were for the plaintiff and Mr. Anderson(Messrs. Anderson and Lythe of York), for the defendants. The debt was admitted. An order was made that May Prince be struck out as a defendant, and that the said May Prince be appointed guardian ad litem of Francis Prince. An order was also made for an account to be taken of the amount due to York City and County Bank, followed by an order for the sale of the property. The money is to be paid into Court.